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Putting a Cap on 2022

 Hello all fellow readers and bloggers! I’m am so excited to announce… drum roll please…. Capstone is officially over! I can’t believe I was just able to type that out! It has been such a crazy semester of hard work and dedication. I am so proud of my capstone group. We had each others back the whole time and helped elevate each and everyone of us. I really could not have asked for a better group. I was really nervous to present. This was one the most important presentations of my college career. When we were freshman I always looked up to the seniors participating in capstone and I couldn’t even fathom the level of work and education I would have to overcome to reach this level of schooling. Here we are. It’s truly  amazing how time works. You don’t realize how fast it moves until you reach the milestones that you once looked up to that seemed impossible to achieve. I’m really proud of this year overall and what I was able to accomplish for myself. I have grown so much as a person and

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