WWJD(What, Would, Jesus, Do)?



Hello readers and fellow bloggers and welcome back to another blog. I would say that I am enjoying the fall weather, but recently it has been warm. It is weird to sort back through your winter and warmer clothes to hopefully running into a pair of shorts ever so often. Everything here at the great Ohio Northern University is still rolling along. Last week felt so long, but this week has come and gone. It mostly has to do with the holidays coming up. It feels like the holiday time periods go by so quickly because they are so relaxing and enjoyable. I am feeling confident with school right now. I feel like school has taught me how to balance my time effectively enough for me to succeed.

This past weekend I got the opportunity to have a more peaceful closing to my week. Friday as well as Saturday were of course the typical impressive polar bear festivities. Early Sunday morning one of my friends kept blowing my phone up repeatedly. I finally answered him, and he wanted me to go to “ church” at first, I almost hung up the phone. I decided to hear him out because there seemed to be a catch. There was not a catch, but it was not a formal church setting like I originally had thought. The place he wanted to go to an outdoors Christian walkthrough of Jesus on the cross and other cool monuments that symbolized Christianity . I have recently started to pray again. I have not since my family made me when I was about ten every night. I cannot lie to you all. I really did not have a special calling to the lord. I really have relied on praying now because it helps me get through my days. I like to pray for my family and all my friends right before I go to bed. It helps me reach my inner peace and connect the dots within my life. I wanted to go to this interesting location to reach even more peace and content with myself. When I got there it was quite overwhelming. There was a big outdoors church in the middle and many monuments and art figures throughout these various paths. We started to walk through, and It was quite amazing how detailed the stations were. Each stop on the trail had beautiful stained glass that used the sun to beautifully light up the images being portrayed right in front of you.

When we left, I felt rejuvenated. It always feels good to humble yourself and take yourself out of the busy world and clear your mind. It allows me personally to move forward and accept the past and to also be ready for my future success. I am so happy I decided to take the offer and go. Ever since the trip I have felt at peace with life and the way I enjoy living it. Remember to always love yourself first because happiness comes from within. 

Until next time readers 😊


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