Thankful & Grateful

    Hey readers and bloggers! Welcome back to Bberrys blog. I hope everyone has been having a great start to November! A hear a lot of people love November and I feel like I do too! I am not sure what happens because it is always so busy and the whole thanksgiving thing of it all really makes it fly by. I love the weather currently. It really makes you feel the vibe of the holidays. I am not a major fan of Thanksgiving food. Do not get me wrong, mac & cheese will always be the main course for me. Other then that nothing really excites me. I am looking forward for what is to come and the holiday because I feel like we have all been working around the clock. We deserve a break! 

    This past weekend was another crazy Halloween weekend I had so much fun with so many people. The weekend started with a fun get together at my friend’s house nearby. I got to dress up as a founding father one last time. Thank god for that because the wig was itchy! It was German boy time by Saturday, and I could not wait to wear my costume. Of course, it was a 10/10, but maybe not as many points due to the freezing weather towards the end of the night. I had to get up incredibly early the next morning and head to back to Cleveland. My sister wanted to have a nice ‘trick or treat’  wine crawl. We brought the baby along and it was so nice to spend some more time with him because I have not seen him since the day he was born. He is going to be one special guy. While we were traveling to each establishment, I had him in a sling against my chest. It was a lot easier because my arms were getting weak! 

    I love seeing my family anytime and I do not care what we do. I am so happy I get to help raise him and watch him grow. It will be quite interesting to see what happens these holidays. It seems like a lot of family member are already feeling quite possessive over him. He naturally gravitates to me, so I do not have anything to worry about. Hopefully, these next week’s go by fast because I need a break very soon! Until next time readers :) 


  1. Hi Brandon! I also love spending time with my family. Especially being away at school makes it that much sweeter when I do get to see them. I also agree that mac & cheese is the best food, but my grandma does not even make any on Thanksgiving. How sad is that! I cannot wait for break. We are almost there!


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