Night with the Donors


Hello fellow readers and bloggers and welcome back to another heavily anticipated blog update. Well, I hope your whole life doesn’t depend on my blog, but if it does welcome back! It’s been such a quick week once again. Track is going well and so are all my classes. I have learned to maintain a busy schedule; you must be able to balance each task equally and to your fullest potential. I was finding that Each task that I was trying to accomplish ended up just been lackluster because my focus was not 100%. I have learned that the little time that I have on my schedule, I need to ensure full attention to what I am trying to do.

I have talked to my family back home and checked in on our new little friend. My new nephew Avery has been doing well. He had a little difficulty with feeding time, but my sister has been able to feed him more effectively. He has the cutest and softest skin I have ever seen on a baby. I hope I get some free time soon to go home and see him while he is a little bigger.  I still can’t believe I’m an uncle!

This week I wanted to keep the tone light and fun for you all. I recently went to the donor’s dinner here at ONU. Of course, I was not an actual donor, but I was able to serve and bartend for the people attending. I do not think I have ever been around such opulent people. There was a certain vibe in the air that just made everyone in that room seem so important and worthy. I was told that the lowest amount of money that’s been donated by the guest was no less then $100,000. While talking and chatting with the alumni, I was given a lot of cool and interesting stories about Ada and Ohio Northern that sound quite like what still goes on here today. Of course, all the restaurants are the same, but some of the fun activities they mentioned ( not always school appropriate) where unique and interesting to think about happening such a long time ago. I really enjoyed being able to witness such a nice dinner to get an inside look of what goes on behind the scenes. Coming into the dinner I really expected the guests to not be very welcoming and stuck up. I was pleasantly surprised to meet so many nice and caring people. After all, these people are donating their hard-earned money back to the school they once loved. That takes a really caring person to do something like that for the better of future generations. If you could give back to Ohio Northern, would you?

Until next time! Thanks for reading.


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