The Godfather

 Welcome back readers and fellow bloggers! My schedule is officially FULL. I only have two hours of free time everyday. Im staying positive and proficient. After all this is my last and final year of school and I want to live in the moment even though I have a lot on my mind. What humbles me is remembering all of the busy days all of you have as well. We all are busy but we will get through it together. 

This week I was fortunate enough to travel back home to for one of my final orthodontist appointments. I will be fully done with my implant procedure by December! I am so excited to finally have the smile I have waited Almost a whole decade for. After my appointment I went home for a little and hung out with my sister and brother. My sister is due any second with my nephew. I am so excited to be an uncle. I am very nervous at the same time. Rumor has it ( my mom) I am most likely going to be The Godfather. I hope I can live up to the expectation of being a great uncle. I want him to look up to me and be proud . I know when I was younger I didn’t really view my uncles as being very inspirational. I want him to think that I’m fun and adventurous, but at the same time I want to give him a chance to see life through my own eyes. 

I was feeling a little paranoid at the thought of this new position so I googled some ways that might help me be the best uncle possible. None of them were very helpful haha. Although , one piece of advice did stand out to me. It basically said that certain things are out of you're control. What happens in life happens. For a reason so just make sure you have a purpose for everything that you do. I want to do my best with my nephew and if I can just support and love that is enough! 

If any of you have any tips let me know :) like always have a great rest or you’re week and chat with you next time! 


  1. Congrats on almost being an uncle! I have 3 younger brothers, so it might be a while until I get the privilege. It is also exciting to hopefully be the Godfather. Just don't make the kid kiss the ring lol

  2. OMG that is so awesome that you are about to be an uncle! I am an aunt and it is the best thing in the world. Keep staying positive and keep being proficient!


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