Uncle B!

    Hello readers and fellow bloggers! Welcome back to another weekly blog. I am loving this fall weather. Whenever I’m in the car I love to look at all the colors the trees are making as they turn during the season. Nature is truly a beautiful thing that I think a lot of people, including myself take for granted. As I have grown more mature, it really astonishes me how naturally pretty the world is with no help from human beings. That being said I’m still not the biggest fan of the snow, but I did get a really trendy jacket for this year.. I ended up going home for fall break and I was so pleased to have a quick break! Things were starting to get ahead of me and I needed a calm weekend to calm my nerves and stress. I started the weekend with attending one of my good friends 21st birthday party. She is a part of a band and they were able to get a gig downtown and it so happened to fall on her birthday. We rocked out and I my was the first time in a long time I felt euphoric. I was free to enjoy my time and celebrate my friend. 

    The next day I was pretty worn out and ready to get my relaxation on. Just when I got back home I got a call from another friend that they had browns tickets they weren’t going to use and offered me the seats. How do you say no to that! The game was pretty intense to say the least, but the chargers were able to steal the win( we should have won) nonetheless it was still great to experience a great day for a game. When I got home I was even more tired then I was before. I made my way to watch a movie with my sister and everything was finally forming a relaxing evening. While the movie was playing my sister seemed to be physically uncomfortable. Normally I wouldn’t mind her antics but Saturday was her due date for her new baby. Her contractions kept building up and everyone knew what time it was. My sister and brother in law left for the hospital and I stayed back and watched over the animals. My sister was in labor for hours and my whole family was on edge texting back and forth with one another. Eventually on Tuesday morning at 1:01 am my nephew was born. He weighs 8lbs and 1 oz and he’s the cutest little guy I’ve ever seen. I’m excited to grow with him and have him by my side. It is quite surreal that he is finally with us and I am so greatful that him along eith my sister had a safe and healthy pregnancy. 

Thank you for all of the love and support! Until Next time.


  1. I love fall weather too! I love how the weather feels and crispy air too!
    Also congratulations on being and uncle! Your nephew is adorable , you will love being an aunt!


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