Body ody ody ody

     Welcome to week 5 readers & fellow bloggers! This past week was very eventful. That was probably the most love I’ve ever received on my birthday before. So many people gave me all of their good wishes and happy spirits. It made me really appreciate the people around me and the person that I am to receive so much love. I was pretty apprehensive about turning 22. I felt like your 22nd wasn’t that important I think everyone deserves a day that uplifts them in a way that is irreplaceable.

    Speaking of love I wanted to talk about something that has been on my mind lately. The love of my body. All of my life I have been really confident with myself and satisfied with how I appeared. I was never super skinny, but I also was not the biggest kid on the block. My skin is in the middle of the spectrum. I am not dark and I am not super light skin either. I was always very pleased with my skin the way it was. The only whacky thing about me in my opinion is that I am missing my front teeth. All my childhood and grade school years I was a little insecure about the way my mouth looked. Fast forward to present day and I still have insecurities about my mouth. Luckily my last oral surgery is coming up in two weeks. I am so excited to finally have a great looking smile. I talk and laugh a lot, so being able to not cover up my mouth and have a nice wide open smile really gets me pumped for the future.

 I usually do not talk about my body, but recently I have been feeling kind of weird about it. Before moving back to Ada I was working out everyday. It felt really good to get all of the weight of my stress off of myself. Literally. However, being in Ada fulltime has really hindered my body and mind. My schedule is nonstop everyday of the week. Some weeks I'm able to workout and feel good about it, other weeks I depend on food to get me through. I like to cook, but when I am too busy sometimes I have to pick and choose how I am going to spend my time and treat my body. Track practice is coming sooner rather then later so hopefully that will allow me to get in the right gear and continue to keep elevating my body and mind. Don't get me wrong, I love being who I am. Sometimes it's ok to feel down on yourself just know that you will always make it through and get back on your feet. 

Be happy with who you are cause you're special :) 

Until Next time readers!



  1. To be honest, I was kind of the opposite of you growing up. I have always been super self-conscious, but during my college years I have been learning how to love my body! Little things like doing handstands everyday keep me going - isn't it so weird that you can literally go upside down and only have your hands to support you? Well, with a little practice you can haha. This week I have also decided that I am going to take pictures of my outfits everyday so that I have motivation to look nicer for classes and feel better about myself all around. Look good, feel good, you know?


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