Half Full

 Hello bloggers and fellow readers. Welcome back to another fantastic update on what seems to be one heck of a roller coaster ride. Everyday day has brought on its new twists and challenges, but non the less I am still very blessed to be able to wake up everyday and strive for new opportunity. Today I wanted to do something a little different for you all. I feel like no more then ever everyone is very stressed out and kind of hostile in terms of reality, and I wanted to tell a story to bring some positivity and wholesomeness back into our day to day lives. 

It all started one day when I was around 10 years old. I always spent time at my grandparents after school. It was such a safe space. Since I was there all of the time typically my stuff would be all over their house. When I was younger I loved to make bead bracelets and design them specifically for someone. It was my way of showing someone how I felt about them and express the things that I thought were their cool factors. I would take them to my friends house up the street and pass them out to all of my friends. One day I found a bracelet on the window and it had my favorite letters, colors, symbols, and numbers on it. Nobody knew who made it and where it came from. It seemed like it came straight from the bead gods! I was so taken aback that this bracelet I found had everything I would have ever wanted on it. Months went by and I still could not figure out who made it. Don’t worry I still rocked the bracelet everyday until it practically broke off. 

One rainy day I had an awful day at school and I was feeling quite down when I got to my grandparents house. I had no motivation at all and didn’t feel like doing anything. My grandma encouraged me to go outside and get some fresh air. I sad no but she still insisted it was what I needed to do. I finally went to the backyard and outside was my old child friend Carter standing there with his mom. I hadn’t seen him in years since he moved to D.C so I was so shocked. He admitted that he was the one that made that bracelet for me. I was so grateful and felt like someone took the time and really made something  special specially for me that cannot ever be replaced. We are still friends today and we usually react to each other’s BEreals. Thanks for listening bloggers and I hope this story made you look at the glass half full! 

Until next time :). 


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