Happy Halloween

    Hello, all my goblins and ghouls! Welcome to a spooky blog! The weather is currently all over the place so for my sick ones out there I wish you luck. My favorite holiday is coming up soon. Halloween! I have always loved this holiday. Something about being able to dress up and be someone else for a day is such a fun concept to me. I always try and pay attention to what I am going to wear cause after all that is the most important thing for this special occasion. I always chose at least two costumes because there are so many fun activities and plans that occur during the holiday. I am not going to lie. This year’s costume hunting was brutal! I was having such a challenging time trying to decide what I wanted to be. I was searching for ideas everywhere. I produced both ideas while running and I was satisfied with these choices. This year I am going to be an Oktoberfest man for the weekend and for Thursday and Sunday I will be being Benjamin Franklin( or George Washington depending on who is asking). Thursday I will be passing out candy to the kids and I cannot wait to see their costumes. Friday and Saturday I will be in Ada still celebrating with all my colleagues and seeing all the funny costumes they produce! I am hoping to have a successful party at my house with a little bit of a costume competition. The best one dressed gets to pick in the prize bucket of candy that I am going to make! Sunday, I have a Chance to go home and see my little nephew for his first Halloween. Hopefully, he supports my costume choices. I am going to be traveling a lot this weekend and that brings me to say something a little more serious this week. 

    Recently there have been a lot of fatal car accidents that I have heard, seen, and known who was involved. I know we all have busy lives and need to get where we are going, but sometimes we might lose sight of our precious cargo. Ourselves. Please be safe on the road and be extremely cautious because we all have loved ones and love others out there that care about us deeply. 

Until next time ghosts ! 


  1. Hey I also love Halloween and it sounds like we enjoy Halloween for the same reasons, the biggest of which is the costumes, I take it pretty seriously and I am hoping to show out this year.


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