*Cough *Cough* I mean hello to all readers and bloggers and welcome back to a very cold and chaotic blog week. We took a little time for from blogging and boy did life not skip a beat. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off ! Thanksgiving was another eventful break at home. I got to spend so much needed time with my nephew. He is already growing so quickly that most of his clothes are already too small for his legs. It’s funny to watch him interact with everyone because he has so much similarities from the rest of the family. His facial expressions mimic my sister tremendously. I just hope when he gets to be around 2 he won’t have a major attitude cause then we’ll have a whole other situation to deal with! Also nobody told me that babies wake up every 3 hours! Absurd! 

This week has been quite stressful but all for good reason. It’s crunch time at this point in the semester and I’m trying to keep myself determined as much as possible. I can’t wait to use all of the hard work we’ve been preparing for and executing it to create great presentations and final products. I’m so excited to get all the weight off my shoulders and start fresh for the new year. Another reason why I am excited this upcoming week I will be getting my final surgery on my mouth! It’s been a long twelve years of so much oral operations and I am really tired of it! I can’t wait to be able to have my own smile and not have to feel self conscious about my smile. Come on people I smile a lot! It’s been a long time since I have have had my incident and I am over it! It’s all fun and games but at this point I am really over the whole thing. 

At this point in my life I am very grateful for all of the people that have been on this tedious journey
with me. Everyone in the process has supported me to the up most and I could not be happier. If it wasn’t for all of my friends family and even all of the surgeons, I don’t know if I would be as positive and optimistic as I have become today. I am so excited to share my new smile with the world even though that hasn’t stopped me from showing my old one for all of these years. Appreciate what you already have in life and that will lead to your true happiness 

Peace out friends 


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