Oscars or WWE ?

 Welcome back readers and bloggers. I hope everyone has been having a good week. I have been running around per usual and losing track of time and sleep. Last time I talked about my eating journey and I would like to say that I indeed have been eating with my heart instead of my head...Hopefully that makes sense to you all. I have to say this week compared to last I felt a lot better healtheir so I am doing something right I guess. 

    This week I wanted to get away from talking about myself and talk about something else. The topic that has been weighing heavy on my mind is the situation that went down at the Oscars this past sunday. We all know by now what happened on the stage, but if you didnt just know it wasnt good. Chris Rock a well know comedian was slapped across the face by the well known actor Will Smith. I was actually watching the oscars live unlike most people. You might be asking why I was watching the Oscars, but it was mostly to witness my wife Beyonce's newest performance. How could I miss that special moment? Watching the altercation live I was pretty taken aback. Although there are so many memes and funny jokes out there about the situation, I personally did not find the incident funny. I felt a little bit of sadness. I admire both African American entertainers for all they have contributed to culture, and having such a negative moment for both of them almost discredits all of their accomplishments. I see how Will can be upset about the insensitive comments made at his wife, but I also think that it could have been a conversation when the cameras were not on the two men. 

    I hope that something in the near future the two men can have a sit down either publicly or privately and hash out whatever issues they had. It seems like the problems have been brewing between the two parties and although the event happened in public there can still be room for a grown up conversation that can inspire people all over to make peace. Until next time bloggers! Spread peace and love. 


  1. I feel the same with running around and losing track and time with sleep. But I also do get eating food with your heart instead of your head! And with what happened at the Oscars I was shock to see Will Smith slap Chris Rock across the face. I think that the incident wasn't funny either and I agree they should sit down and talk about it with each other. But hopefully they can figure out something to settle this issue down.

  2. I agree that the incident was very unnerving. There has recently been a new camera angle that came out showing Jada's reaction to the slap, making the event even more angering. She can be seen laughing as Chris gets slapped by Will. This is just so infuriating to me. She had no right to tell Will to slap him then laugh about it. That was assault on live tv over a joke that was in poor taste, but still could have been settled professionally. This whole event was just insensitive.


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