Eating More Healthy

     Hello readers. I want to discuss something that has been going through my head recently a lot. As you may not know if you are not close to me. I am 100% a giant foodie. I am a LOVER of food. I love to taste different plates unique to their ethnicities. Whether it be italian, jamacian, or asian cuisines. My ultimate dream is to travel around the world and try 5 star restaurants. Now back to reality. Living in Ohio there re many places to eat. Most likely I have eaten at these establishments. Overtime I have felt as though I have not eaten in the most healthy way. When I was younger I never paid attention to what I was consuming into my body. I always stayed active, especially with track, so I never had to worry about my well being. Follow up to the present and I have noticed that my eating habits need to be put on the back burner. I tend to eat a lot of fast food ( such as Mcdonalds) due to the convinence of the food. I honestly do not have a lot of time to cook meals or find places that are more suitable for a healthier lifestyle. 

This upcoming summer I really want to branch out and try a new way of eating. I know a lot of people that plan out their meals and doing so seems to balance their health and livelihood. I think that meal prepping would be a good way to help me have a nicer relationship with food. I know that sounds cheesy, but I honestly think if I treat food more passionatley, then I will form better habits of picking healthy food options that make me feel better. I also want to learn how to cook more meals. A majority of the issue is the fact that I can basically only use the oven, airfryer, or microwave to make my meals. If I were able to create something special and that I think taste good to myself, then who knows where my food journey could go? This blog is for anyone like myself that struggles with eating and how food should be a luxury and not just a necessity.

Until next time bloggers!


  1. Meal prepping sounds like such a great idea, but I also feel like I would get tired of it after a week. My weekends are fairly busy so I know I would forget to make food after the first or second week and it'd end there for me!

  2. I think meal prepping is a good start! Even if it's just planning out what you want to eat that night or later on in the week. But my advice would start with something simple to cook or something that you are interested in trying and seeing if you like it or not. Also, plan one meal at time during the week until you get use to it then you can add more meals to your week. But I know I don't have a lot of options for me to cook on campus because I don't live in an apartment like some people do. However, my goal is for next year is to use the community kitchen more to cook meals and not going to McIntosh as much. Overall, I like the meal prepping idea and I think I might have to try it out too!

  3. When I was planning for living in the apartments this year I decided I was going to meal prep... It never happened! Instead I decide which days out of my week are the most free (typically Monday nights right now) and I will cook one meal, but cook like I'm cooking for a family of four. This way I have a nice hot meal for that night and I put the rest in one big container, then eat out of that until it's gone. I tend to make the same things, mostly pasta dishes because they are easy and make a lot of food. Here recently though I have been branching out and trying some different dishes. I marinated some chicken in this teriyaki sauce and made some stir fry with rice and broccoli and the chicken. It turned out great, and it satisfied my craving for Chinese since I don't want to buy Chinese from any of the places in Ada after the incident I had a few weeks ago with the sketchy tasting chicken.


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