Destination Desires

 Hello readers and fellow bloggers! We are back again with another week in Ada. There’s something so captivating about living here. It’s almost like a vacation even though so much has been going on in the past week that I feel like my head might blow off. I feel like I am starting to get a strong hold on my schedule, but it's kind of too early to say that. All of this work will eventually pay off and for that I couldn't be happier. 

While I am constantly grinding ,just like you all, I often think to myself, where is my destination? Where do I see myself living and thriving for the next 10 years? Ohio is a really nice state to live in for me personally. We have all four seasons, great museums and monuments, and many sport oriented cities. I really do enjoy the area in Cleveland that I live and all my family and friends around me. The only issue I have with staying in Ohio is how comfortable I am with living here. Sometimes when you are constantly around the same thing repeatedly it can get very redundant. I appreciate the town I stay in and the people that I can trust, but there is always a little voice in the back of my head. That little voice is telling me that there is more out there for myself. I have always dreamed about living in a big city. I love the skyline of Chicago and all of the fun things and opportunities there are for me
. I like to stay busy and everyday is never the same for me and I want to live in a place that matches that same energy. I also am contemplating moving to Tampa, fl. I love visiting Florida. For awhile I thought it was only a vacation mindset, but I really can see myself having a life and fulling my life down south. I would miss my family tremendously. Having people still in Ohio would give me that extra motive to visit Ohio and still be able to appreciate it. 

I might be completely wrong and maybe I am not cut out for a different place. I could truly be a Ohioan at heart. ( I really hope not).  I would like to at least get the chance to explore and try it out and if all fails I know exactly where I belong. Until next time bloggers! 

Where do you want to end up after graduation ?


  1. First and foremost, I am LOVING the new theme for your blog! I was so excited to see the new background and colors, and now I am contemplating updating mine... I'm not sure where I want to end up after graduation. I feel the same way you do about your hometown, even though mine is significantly smaller and none of the buildings are over four stories and that's generous (I'm pretty confident it's three and not four). I have a feeling that I will live at home after graduation for a few years until I have a plan to settle down somewhere else, wherever that may be. My plan right now is to go with the flow!

  2. Hey I have pretty similar feelings as you, though I love Ohio and have lived here my whole life, i feel as if I NEED to move a little further away, even if it is just a city in Ohio. I know it's a scary thought but i think we're both cut out for it.


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