22 Taylor Swift ft Bberry

     Welcome back fellow bloggers and readers. I am happy to report I am still alive and well as the semester trucks along. The deadlines and projects are not letting up! But if you’re feeling overwhelmed just know that you are strong and you will always get your work finished.  My birthday is tomorrow! I am so excited. I have always loved my birthday my entire life. Something about all of the joy and messages I get really warm my heart. It doesn’t take much for me to feel appreciated but hearing from all of your friends and loved ones fuels me for the rest of the year. This upcoming year is a big change for myself. I will soon be graduated from college. This is such a milestone that flew right on by me. In order to get to this spot I have a lot of things to accomplish . 

    With all of the stress that I can fear coming on to me, I have started to mediate . This not only brings me a relaxed environment, but I can come to a calm space to collect my thoughts . This is out of my comfort zone by far. I guess you could say I never really reached my inner peace. You really are your own best friend and you should always appreciate that person that you are and continue to survive all of the obstacles that come into your life. I hope to really use my communication skills to make a better way of living for people all over as well as the ones close to me. I am working on a song with my one friend to try and get some fun messages out there. I really want to go with a fun afrobeat , but I have also been really enjoying disco styles beats for some time now.  It sounds funny to talk about, but I think this will be a fun little project to create and be able to share something that’s is 100% mine. I am not hoping to be the next Chris Brown ( for obvious reasons) but I think I can use some of my other hidden talents and pick up new ways to express and have some fun with them. For 22 I want to continue to grow and try new things. You’re only this young once. Live it up! 

What are some of your dreams ? 

Until next time readers :)


  1. Happy early birthday! I have never meditated, but maybe I should start to get some inner peace and relax a little. Also, I can't wit to hear your song!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have the best day ever and obviously celebrate! I totally agree with you about how time has flown by and a big mile stone is hitting soon and it scary! But, cheers to you and senior year!

  3. Happy late birthday B-Berry! Also, I love meditation and find it is a great way to let my mind and body disconnect which can be good sometimes.


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