The Big (Cleveland) Apple

 Hello and readers and fellow bloggers! I cannot believe this is my last blog from Bberrys Blog. I could shed a tear! This semester was very eye opening for me. I am really proud of all the things that I have achieved this year so far. It's crazy how fast time goes by until you look back and see all of the progress you have made. I hope you all have had an equally successful first quarter of the year as I have. There as been so many bumps in the road and I really did not think I would be able to overcome them. Everyone is going to have setbacks that occur in life, but it's about how you take the challenge head on and elevate yourself past a potential setback. 

This weekend was another great one. The Track and Field team traveled to Ashland University to compete. The teams that we faced this weekend were very tough. I think my coaches logic was to better prepare us for the OAC competition later on this week. Those guys are more are speed. No pun intended. I am excited to see how the championship goes. It's been a very rewarding season and I hope to end on a high note. 

On Monday I was a little nervous all day. At 3pm I had a very important interview. This was my third round interview with Champ city, a marketing firm based in downtown Cleveland. All of the previous interviews went really well so I was hopeful that this one would be positive too. Indeed it did! I met with a couple of higher up HR members and they ended offering me the internship at the end of the call. I am so excited to finally secure a real
internship that is close to home. I am going to be downtown all summer so you can just call me wolf on wall street. In all seriousness I am really proud of myself for pushing my limits this semester and thankful for all the people who have supported me along the way. Thank you for tuning into my blog weekly and taking the time to get to know my world a little more. 

Spread love and laughs bloggers! Till next time. 


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