Time Machine

Welcome back fellow bloggers and readers! I hope everyone is having a great start to their April! We are so close to the nice summer weather and a little bit of a break of fresh air. This year has again ended up being a crazy one. With so much going on, I personally felt like i've been on a hamster wheel. I often think how I got here and wonder if I did anything different in the past or went straight to my future, would I end up in the same situations.

I have a question for you readers. If you were to have the option of going forward in time or backwards into the past which one would you chose? I have been contemplating this idea for some time now. After a little self evaluation ( alone time) I decided I would chose the past option. I had a really good upbringing. I had a lot of good friends and my family was at it's peak. I never really had any struggles that would hinder me from being successful in the future. The only thing that I could think of would be for me to form a bigger voice. Between the ages of 12-18 I was very much a people pleaser. I always was aware of who I was, but I didn't know how to say no. I had many friends that would ask me to do things or attend places, when in actuality I wanted to do something different or nothing at all. If I could go back in time I would stand up and be confident in my opinions and stand my ground on how I wanted things to move. I think one of the main reasons on why I would not chose to move into the future is that I am happy who I am today. I feel like even though I could have been stronger when I was younger, it still shaped me to be this person that cares and values themselves. I am greatful to have such self awareness and confidence because it allows me to be passionate and blessed for the people I have in my life. My younger self was able to make a life that presently is worth appreciating.

Love Yourself Bloggers!


  1. I believe that I would choose to go forward in time, just to see what my life becomes. I would rather see my future than fix my past because I am exactly where I want to be. I wouldn't want to change anything and risk being different today. I am who I am because of my past, but my future is up for change depending on the present, so I appreciate everything I have right now.


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