First Podcast!

 Hello readers and fellow bloggers. I hope everyone has had a great week! It has undoubtfully been a very rainy week. I tend to not mind the rain because me and snow have a hate hate relationship. Enough about the weather. Today I wanted to discuss something that I was able to be apart of this week! Me and other fellow blogger and classmate Anna Schatzle created our very own podcast! This was a very out of body experience for me since I have never recorded a podcast before in my life. The topic of our podcast was the impact that social media has on people's lives, especially those people that are younger. It was really refreshing to talk about something that is so crucial and important in a lot of our lives in the world of technology. 

Here are some show notes and questions  that I thought would be good to take into consideration on the topic we discussed. 

  1. ( 'The article talks about how some people use social media as a security blanket when they are in uncomfortable social situations and feel anxious or lonely or when they are having unpleasant feelings and need to find a way to self-soothe. I feel like using social media in these situations is okay every once in a while, but after users find that it works one time they keep going back to it making the unhealthy relationship grow.'
  2. "Can you see yourself giving up social media for a whole week?"
  3. "How easy would it be for you to reach out to a stranger with the social barriers we have in todays age"
Below is the link below to listen our wonderful show! I hope you guys enjoy it and take away the important message that we hope will give you a different perspective on social media.


  1. I'm not sure how you felt about actually doing the podcast, but I loved it. I personally do a podcast with my cousins and brothers every week and it was so fun to be able to now do a more informative podcast for a school assignment! I hope you guys enjoyed doing this assignment as well!

  2. I hope you where able to find some enjoyment out of this experience like I did. I never realized how much fun podcasting would be for instance I listen to them all the time but never once have I though man that would be so much fun.

  3. I really enjoyed creating the podcast with you! I feel like we were naturals once the microphone started recording, however, if we were to actually keep making podcasts together I don't know if I could keep talking about social media each time lol.


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