Chapter 14: Influencer Marketing

 Hello bloggers welcome back to another fun week of discussing the important ways to market in today's society. Today we are going to be discussing Influencers and the impact they have on social media. The main goal for an influencer is to persuade people to purchase what they are selling. A lot of people look up to influencers and take their opinion as a state of interest. Since the whole world is vastly growing to a more digital world, Social media influencers have the ability to use this as a major advantage. There are many aspects that go into becoming a well earned influencer.


This is the quantity of people available for an influencer to deliver a message. It is perceived that having the most followers automatically means an influencer has more reach potential. Their are many other smaller ranges of influencers that allow audiences to still be able to see the content being brought to them on a platform.


Being a credible influencer is crucial to becoming a successful one. Followers are going to gravitate to a person that is honest and holds a lot of value. For example, Lebron James is used often in commercials and social media campaigns. A lot of people look up to him and appreciate the work he has done in Akron. 


An influencer needs to actively interact with the followers they have. That is the major point of Influencer marketing is that the influencer is just like everyone else in how they use and purchase products.

Using a social media influencer will benefit your brand as a whole more then hinder your success. An influencer is the new modern spokesperson for a lot of brands. I think the main reason on why influencers have become so important in marketing is just how easy it is for a brand and an influencer to team up and make profit for everyone involved. Do you have any favorite influencers? Until next week!


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