Chapter 12: Blogs, Vlogs, and podcasts

 Hello fellow bloggers. Today we are going to talk about an interesting way to communicate to listeners and viewers all over the world. Before I took this class I was very uneducated in the world of blogs and Podcasts. Before I was more aware of what these forms of entertainment entailed, I thought of blogs as some sort of a diary for people to get their feelings across. This was not entirely incorrect, but there is far more to explore with these outlets. Since blogs and vlogs have become more mainstream, there is so many different variations that you can watch. Influencers potentially share their pet, car, home, and vacation experiences through these personal videos or blogs. These personal stories is a great spot for marketers to market with some of these influencers. A marketer can provide products for an influencer to help bring that product to their entire viewership. I was not aware on just how dependent consumers are of blogs. Blogs account for the 5th most trusted source for online information. I found this kind of shocking due to the fact that Blogs are mostly someone's own personal opinion. While reading the chapter I was giddy to get to the podcast section. In the past couple of months I have really given Podcasts a try. I listen to a lot of music and overtime I tend to get tired of hearing my same genre of music every time. I pondered on what else I could listen to and podcast kept popping up in my recommandations and my life has not been the same since. My favorite podcast I enjoy listening to now is all about mystery stories. I highly recommend stories from the Sol Good Network. 

Social media is growing more each and everyday. For this reason I do not see blogs, podcasts, and vlogs slowing down at all. There is a certain reason why they all have continued to grow popularity and viewership over the years. This is going to be a great for marketers to really get a grasp on the situation and continue to use these platforms to reach such a wide range of audiences. 



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