Chapter 11: Marketing with TikTok

     Hello fellow bloggers and readers! We have discussed a lot of different ways to easily use social media platforms to promote and market a brand or specific product. Most of these platforms play a crucial role in marketing, but I think that the platform that we are going to take a deeper look into today is one of the best ways to market in today's society.

    TikTok is one of the newest platforms that we have today. Personally, I cannot stay away from the app. I remember the buzz around TikTok when it first came out was that it was only for little kids, or people that made up dance moves. It wasn't until the summer of 2020 that I actually started to pay attention to the platform. With so much free time due to the pandemic, I was able to see more what the app was about. Some of the content that was showcased ranged from cooking adventures to different elements in the genre of music. A lot of this special content has attracted a ton of user traffic. TikTok manages to pull in around 689 million monthly users. This is quite impressive because the average app usage time is around a full hour. This give advertisers a lot of time to use the platform for marketing purposes. This social media outlet has a long engagement time, so people are bound to see an ad.  Businesses that are using TikTok for Marketing have averaged around 200,000 views of their ads. Gen z uses the platform the most, and with successful ad campaigns, marketing is more impactful from brands. One of the biggest reasons why TikTok is such a great way to market is mostly due to the fact that most ads are positioned
and displayed as an actual TikTok video for users. I can see TikTok in the coming years becoming the main leader in social media innovation and advertising. I cannot see the general public (and Myself) giving up the entertaining and fast paced platform anytime soon. 


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