Bunnies & Babies

     Welcome back fellow bloggers and readers! I hope everyone had a great and eventful weekend. I'm not to sure about all of you guys, but I am ready for the warm weather and the beach. I cannot believe that it started to snow again. I need to start planning my new residency in Florida ASAP. 

This weekend was another busy one despite not having a track meet this weekend. I had the option of going home for the weekend so I took the opportunity. Last week was just very stressful to say the least and I was ready to have a little bit of a vacation away from all of my responsibilities. On Friday it was my best friends 21st birthday so we had to celebrate it big. He had never been to the Cleveland flats before so I had to get him to go. We had such a great time and it will definitely be a night that I will never forget. I really can't wait to see what this summer has in store. There's something about the warm months that just make me want to have such a good time.

Fast forward to Easter Sunday and my whole family traveled to my brother in laws parents home near Medina. I usually find Easter to be quite boring in most recent years, but this year was going to be very special. My sister was also combining the family gathering as a gender reveal party for her new baby. My sister and brother had me jump out of the house and deliver an egg to them. Oh yeah did I mention I did this is a Easter bunny costume. It was EXTREMELY hot, but worth every second. The egg I delivered was full of either blue or pink powder to be displayed when tossed in the air. The baby is going to be a boy! I am so excited to be a first time uncle. The baby's name will be Avery Alexander Lindemeyer. My sister gave him the same middle name as me! We are destined to become great friends. I cannot wait until I am able to meet him and I hope he will like to read my blogs!

Until next time!


  1. I'm sure once your nephew is able to read, you two will share a lot of laughs reading your blogs! That is, if blogger still exists in the future. I have never heard of the Cleveland flats so you will have to tell me about those sometime! Also, the sky looks so beautiful in your selfie. Easter must've been so much fun with the nice weather and being able to spend some time with family!


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