Florida woahs & Spirit lows

     What a weekend it has been once again. I feel like Every time I have the opportunity to write about my life, the more crazier it gets as time goes on. Like most weeks the beginning always starts out not in the best way. I finally made it home in Cleveland to start my oral surgery process. I was so nervous all weekend leading up to Monday. When the day finally came I was able to gather myself enough to be relaxed and go into the surgery with little fear. I sat down in the chair and was completely zoned out. The surgeons started to numb my mouth and I started to ease into the procedure when all of a sudden there was a scream! One of the surgeons noticed that the implants they were going to use in the surgery were not the proper implants for the job. The surgery was cut short and now I have to go back in the next coming weeks to becoming nervous all over again.

    After being super disapointed, the rest of the week could only go up from there. Me and my roommates were headed to Florida! This trip came at such a great time. I have had so much built up between Track, schoolwork and a lot of family things. This would be a time were I could completely enjoy myself and live my life at my own place. We had such a good time there and have so many funny memories that I am going to remember forever. I did not get much sleep though. When it was time to fly back home we had been in the airport all day! Our flight kept getting delayed longer and longer. Finally at the end of the night they chose to cancel our flight. It was a good thing we were in such a beautiful state to be stuck in. We ended up contacting our new friend Dre who picked us up from the airport and we hung out until our new flight was ready to be boarded. The trip really reset my headspace and I am excited to conquer the rest of this semester. 



  1. That is really awful about you surgery, I'm sorry about that. I've had a few in my life and I couldn't imagine getting there and then finding out you have to start over because of an error. And unfortunately, that just kind sounds like Spirit for ya!


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