Chapter 9: Marketing with LinkedIn


    LinkedIn is my home at this point in time. I am currently scratching for an internship and I have been through the ringer. Before attending Ohio Northern, I had never really heard or experienced LinkedIn. I knew it was an outsource that showed many different types of job opportunities, but it has proven to be so much more. While going through the job search I have seen many different job positions in many different realms of the world. LinkedIn really has a lot of different segway's for people to use when networking. This is most likely why it is the largest professional networking resource for users. 

    LinkedIn is not only great for networking and building better brand awareness, but it is also great for brands to connect with customers and their employees. This is great to build positive relationships to further a brands longevity and profitability. In todays society 'fake news' is sadly very common through all of the social media platforms. LinkedIn is considered to be one of the most trusted sources that we have today. B2B have found trust in lead generation that aids sales through selling directly to the people that would be interested in that specific company.

    Knowing what to post on LinkedIn to gain the most attention is very crucial for running a successful LinkedIn page. Making sure the page is relevant to up to date information helps that page gain and keep followers. Viewers are going to want to follow a page that shares news that is fresh and updated constantly. As time is moving forward, LinkedIn has benefited in today's covid-19 world with many different remote integrated systems that allow employees, viewers, and job seekers to better find the path they are seeking for. This constant adaption is how LinkedIn has stayed one of the most successul platforms for many years. 


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