Chapter 10: Marketing with YouTube

     Hello readers and fellow bloggers! Today we are going to take a deep dive into the Marketing world of the YouTube platform. YouTube is the most popular video sharing site worldwide. So many people ( including myself) are drawn to the platform through the various amount of videos available. When I was younger I remember YouTube was a huge deal. There was so much content that was available. I used to love watching old YouTubers make their funny videos. It is amazing how a majority of them took their fame and created an entire career later on today to be even more successful. YouTube is one of the only platforms that has a higher percentage of Male users then it has Female users. 78% are men compared to the 68% of women users. This is most likely due to a lot of gaming and male oriented videos on the platform.

    YouTube is one of the best platforms to use when considering marketing for your brand or product. The reason behind this is that video marketing is one of the most used ways that marketing is presented to the public. Around 90% of the worlds largest industries use at least one YouTube video for their marketing purposes. Marketing strategy is key when using videos to promote a business. YouTube is able to specialize in a specific target market that only those people are going to see. When people are shopping for a product or brand they are likely to look up a video that has to do with that product in some way. For example if someone wanted to purchase a type of vehicle, they would search up multiple reviews on the vehicle that give them a good outlook of what they would be purchasing.

YouTube has been able to stay relevant and keep entertaining people as well as educating people from all over the world. YouTube holds a lot of value and can be one of the many platforms that will never go away in the world of technology. 


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