Snowstorms and Babies

     What a wild week it has been. With all of the snow that came down last week, I have been stuck in my apartment with my roommates coming up with dumb ideas out of boredom. I was not feeling that inspired coming into this week. The one thing I picked up on my days off was coloring. I know it sounds lame but it really did calm me down and really clear my head from all of the stress that was building up the days before the storm. Coming into this week I feel pretty optimistic with how my life is going. 

    I didn't think my week could get any better until I got some crazy exciting news from a family member. Earlier in the week I got a text from my sister that said, " I have something to tell you". the way the world has been going I wasn't too excited to hear what she had to say. After some time, I gave her a call and she wasn't saying anything. Shortly after I asked her what was going on she slowly raised the camera and showed me a positive pregnancy test. I was really shocked and didn't really know how to react. She was waiting for so long to have a baby and I couldn't be happier that she is going to have her first child. I also can't wait to be the best uncle in the world!


  1. I have to agreed the snow storm that came in really put my morale down. However, I found some ways to keep morale up with coming in to the next week. On the other hand, that is so exciting that your sister is going to have her first child and that your becoming an uncle! I remember when my sister told me that she was having a kid and I was so excited to become an aunt! But let me give you a hint make sure when your niece or nephew starts to talk that you tell them or have their mom or father say your name that you want to go by because my nephew doesn't really call me Aunt Amm, he just calls me Ammryn. :/

  2. Your drawing is amazing! I love painting when I get stressed, but I don't really have the time right now and I find that it can get distracting for me so I usually leave my painting stuff at home during track season. Also, it's so exciting that you're going to be an uncle!


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