Chapter 6: Marketing with Twitter

     Whenever I watch one of my favorite shows, I typically don't have anybody to talk about them with. This is usually because I am mostly interested in reality tv and the people around me tend to think those kind of shows are dumb. Regardless, I like to be able to relate and see what people with similar comments and thoughts have to offer. Twitter is just the right platform to give me what I desire. Twitter is one of my favorite apps currently. I am able to react and comment other people's comments under a hashtag that we both show interest in. Twitter has been around since 2006 and I think no more then ever, it holds the most value it ever has. Now more than ever do people have the opportunity to reach such a mass audience. 

Twitter usually aims towards a lower age demographic, but a majority of the content is relevant to all society. I personally think that twitter has a more personal feel over other platforms. Twitter encourages far more people to follow brands then Facebook does. Brands on Twitter seem to personally connect to their audience in a way that is somewhat informal. This kind of in formalness can create brand loyalty by wanting to know what the brand is saying or portraying. Twitter is a great gateway for businesses to do many different things. Brands are able to give feedback and input into conversations that people are saying about their brand. This is one of the reasons why I think twitter is a good outlet for brands to receive good feedback. 

    I believe out of all of the different platforms that Twitter will be the most advanced in the coming years. I think Twitter has seen the most potential in the last few years to grow as an  outlet that not only reaches millions of people , but also gives people a different outlook on society and the things going on in the world as a whole. 


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