Chapter 5: Marketing with Instagram


    When I go out, I love to capture every moment I can. I know most people say to live in the moment, but I love to look back at all the memories that I have captivated. Especially having a platform, the display all of your special moments, I love to showcase my life in a way that makes me proud of what I do. This is why I have always loved Instagram. I remember getting first at regionals and being able to post the picture of me on the podium and receive so many comments that made me feel like all my hard work and grit paid off. So many people can see your posts no matter where you are or your demographic. This is a perfect way for businesses to market their products or service. More than half of the U.S businesses are active on Instagram. It's crazy what companies are able to do in the app that they can't do on most other platforms. I would say a majority of brands put their ads on Instagram over other platforms. Now more then ever Instagram seems to be posting an ad after every ten posts. That has definitely increased over the past couple of years. 

    The main reason why a lot of businesses Flock to Instagram is for the visuals. Instagram has been somewhat of the forerunner for visual appeal to users and the main media. Something I found interesting was that if an advertisement on Facebook is receiving less interaction then Instagram with a set audience they would potentially allocate the overall budget and stats over to Facebook and the other way around if needed. Overall Instagram is a great place to market your business, especially a small business. The only problem I see in the near future is that Instagram has more competition than it ever has before. Other visual apps have grown and take away the uniqueness that Instagram once had, but with a great lasting formula there is always room to improve and elevate a business. 


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