Bad batteries & Bad dates

     Starting of this week was going great! Until I realized it was Valentine's Day. I had just gotten out of a relationship this prior fall and I have not really been in the most lovey dove mood to say the least. It's always nice to care about the people around you, so I took that mindset going into the day. My roommates and I decided to treat ourselves with a bromance to Texas Roadhouse. Although it was a great idea at the time, we weren't able to attend because there were too many love birds taking up all the tables. Geez I sound bitter. We decided to drive all the way from Lima to Findlay to attend my comfort food Chick-fil-a. The food made me feel a lot better and made me really appreciate my friendships. 

    The next day I was feeling better. I felt like I didn't need to worry about any relationships or flings and just focus on myself. It was the first time in awhile were I felt like I had full control over my feelings. With me being in such a good mood I decided to treat myself to a milkshake from McDonald's. When I got into my car, to my surprise, my car would not turn on! I couldn't believe my luck. My car isn't even that old! The problem is most likely the age of my battery. Ironically, going through my emotional and self - reflecting Monday I was able to take this issue and take action without reaction. My car is currently at the local shop and going to be looked at soon so that issue can be resolved and I can soon drive back to Chick-fil-a once again. 


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