Personal Branding

 When you think Personal Branding what do you think ? When I read chapter 2 it really dove deep into what Personal Branding was about. My main take away from the chapter was that Personal Branding is all about how your perceive yourself or what do you think about yourself. Being a Black 21 year old in Midwest Ohio hasn't really helped me identify who I am. I am aware of what I am such as physical features portray, but I never really had an opportunity to actually think about who I was or what I wanted out of life. 

If I were to start to think about where to begin my Personal Brand journey I would like to think about all of the things that I have done for and with others. I think one of best attributes I have is being a people person. I love reaching out and helping others reach their goals and build upon them in a way they wouldn't have thought about before. My personal brand should always represent the things that I care about and those things might change later down the road. I think with age I will have a better grasp on how I want to represent myself and further my career in life. 


  1. I agree so strongly with how personal brands should represent things you care about. I also think the older you get the more easier it gets to figure out how to personal brand yourself. I also loved how you said you would like to think about all of the things that you have done for and with others for your personal brands.

  2. I would also say that I am a people person. I love service and meeting people through service. What is your favorite service project that you have done in the past? How do you think that project could help build your brand?


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