Covid Team

 Covid seems to be constantly poking the bear and never leave me and the people in this world alone. It has been some years now and I was starting to get used to the madness, but it seems since we have been back on campus that its not going away anytime soon. What a bummer. The Track team has really been molding into a great support system and inspiration to kick off this semester. It always seems like as soon as something great is occuring, there is always bad news waiting to arise. Sadly there are about 30 people that have had to go into hiding due to contracting the Covid virus. 

The team has had to adapt to the changes and move on with the program. It has taken a lot for me to stay motivated and continue what is best for myself and making sure I can be as strong and capable as possible. This is of course difficult because at the same time everyone is trying to stay healthy on top of all the added stress. Although this time is rough, I am hopeful that the team will reach its maximum potential this spring season. 


  1. Covid really has a way of finding things at their peak just to shut them down. Really sorry to hear that about the track team, and I definitely understand the struggle as we have had our fair share over here on lacrosse


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